Running HD7on htchd2 ? No problem :)


As you can just make out its fresh off the XDA-China forums so details are a little vague but im certain its soon going to filter through to the more well known XDA community, heres a video that hopefully reinforces the authenticity of this port.
So is the HD7 the new HD2? well its certainly got some potential but it has a long way to go before it can be considered anything like as versatile as HD2, time will tell.

Long life span isn’t something a phone generally has but due to the HD2s huge abilities and some very clever developers it has had a couple of very good years running every possible operating system you can throw at it , but what about a successor to the HD2 thrown? Could the Windows Phone 7 based HD7 offer a solution here, take a look at the latest port offering and you decide if HD2 needs to roll over and make way for the 7 .

 You can see the video on you tube here :

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